Error message from Content Server Mobile desktop clients

Hi All,

When connecting from CS Mobile desktop clients, I receive the following error in destop client log:


[2021-04-16 08:39:23:318] [warn] EventsPoller - Failed to retrieve events from the Gateway - We did not have any tokens to set the call will most likely fail!!!

[2021-04-16 08:39:31:403] [warn] SessionManager - logout the user

[2021-04-16 08:39:31:427] [warn] Authenticator - Redirecting to login component.

[2021-04-16 08:39:32:547] [error] Authenticator - login failed to login!

[2021-04-16 08:39:32:547] [error] Authenticator - Error: Sign in scheme unsupported: normal

[2021-04-16 08:39:32:548] [error] Authenticator - login logging user out after error.

[2021-04-16 08:39:32:548] [warn] SessionManager - logout the user


Please, any ideas?

