Appworks mobile app gives error "ubable to get application settings"
We are trying so set up AppWorks Mobile applications. The AppWorks app is downloaded and installed from the google store. We have developed 2 mobile apps using the mobile app building block on an entity. The apps are deployed and available in the gateway.
When we login to the AppWorks Mobile app, both apps are available and selectable. However, when we open either of them we get an error "Unable to get application settings. If your gateway session has expired, please login again." As shown in the screenshot below.
In the gateway we use the following settings for the mobile apps.
Entity R E S T Service: server and port where appworks is running, something like http://111111.111.111:81/
Organization: name of my organisation
O T D S Resource I D: the resource ID that can be found in security administration, OTDS resources, OTDS resource ID of the organisation
O T D S Service: server and port were OTDS is running, something like http://111111.111.111:8080/
Release Number: 01.01.001, same as the version af the app.
- what are we doing wrong?
- How can i test if the Entity Rest Service works and is available? (the current URL just forwards you to appworks tomee)
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