Unable to pass multi selected values from data selector in dashboard into the report parameter
Multiple values selected on a Data Selector in dashboard, linking to a imported Report's report parameter, is not working.
Report parameter takes only the last value selected from the data selector and shows the result on imported report.
At report design time, in analytics designer, I've used a multiple values types report parameter linked to the data set report parameter.
Also, tried using both the options during report design in Analytics Designer-
1. Report Parameter (screen2)
2. Filter
Even I tried below points, which are not working-
1. Script: beforeOpen of the dataset-
this.queryText = this.queryText + "where COLUMN_NAME in ('" + params["REPORT_PARAM"].value.replace(/,/g,"','") + "')"
2. Same script in dataset's property window also.
Any help on below points,
1. How can a report parameter (of a report designed in Analytics Designer and imported into a dashboard) takes all multi-selected values from a linked data selector in dashboard and show all results.
2. Can we use filter in report design for linking with a data selector to capture all selected options result in the dashboard. If yes, then how?
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