eDOCS REST API Server - 'custom' implementation

edited November 23, 2021 in eDOCS #1


I am trying to implement the 'custom' option of the eDOCS REST API. I have followed the instructions in the PDF, 'Getting started with the eDOCS REST API and InfoCenter customizations' as below:

1. Stop the eDOCS REST API service

2. Copy the custom folder to c:\Program Files\Open Text\eDOCS REST API Server\eDOCS

3. You will have 2 additional folders under the REST API location

a. c:\Program Files\Open Text\eDOCS REST API Server\eDOCS\custom

b. c:\Program Files\Open Text\eDOCS REST API Server\eDOCS\custom\opentext

4. Start the eDOCS REST API service

5. Login to the InfoCenter web interface and open a tile

6. You will see the new actions in the menu bar

I do not see the new actions and when I use the F12 developer tools (Chrome) I see several '400 - Bad Request' errors relating to my new 'custom' folder. This may be just a configuration problem that I am unaware of.

InfoCenter loads fine but I just do not get the custom actions

I have attached a log file (edocs.log), a screenshot of the errors from the developer tools (errors.png) and a screenshot of the location and contents of my 'custom' folder (custom-folder-location.png). I have changed nothing in the contents of the custom folder, merely copying from the 'eDOCS REST API and InfoCenter Customization files' ZIP file

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

