BIRT report to create the csv file and report generation
BIRT report Requirement:
I need to create Labor report and display the columns such as (laborcode, startdatetime, finishdatetime, regularhrs,craft etc) with below mentioned 2 parameters and when run the report from Maximo application, the report generates in browser view. At the same time, the CSV file should be generated in server path(C:/report) with the same data.
1. Numberofdays ->(This parameter is used in the finishdatetime field- finishdatetime
"+params["NumberofDays"]+" DAYS) AND
2. FTP Folder -> (This parameter is used for specifying server Path: “C:/report”)
- When User Enter both the parameters from application (Example: Numberofdays -> 20 and FTP Folder ->C:/report ) , The CSV file should be generated in server path and also report should generate in application browser view.
- OR if user Enters only one Parameter: Numberofdays ->20 and they leave FTP folder as empty, The CSV file should not be generated in server path and report should generate only in application browser view.
And I have the below questions:
- For placing the file in server path, I have tried with the automation script using below runreport method. But, in Maximo we have the following file format options (PDF, XLS, XLSX) not having any CSV option.
reportService.runReport(userInfo, "Laborreport.rptdesign", "LABREP", parameterData,"C:/report", "xls")
- Do we have any option to create the CSV file from the report rptdesign itself and not from automationscript?
Kindly guide me to achieve the above-mentioned requirement in report rptdesign itself? Or any other possibilities available. Thankyou!
@TKani , I see that the community members have not yet commented on your request for guidance. Have you resolved this on your own, or is it still open for discussion?
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