I'm completely new with API calls. Our tasks is to download all data from API from development server using Data Factory in azure ( but data factory is not an issue here ). I got received login and password to create session. I make initial request POST to get sessionId and token and then further request. We are able to GET data from methods where there is not require to pass any parameter to API call like I can download data from brandings, collections, users etc - I mean from these methods that do not require passing parameters. But when there is a need to pass a parameter. I have an issue
But mainly I would like to get full list of ASSETS and I completely have no idea about how to form a request. Can anyone help. From the docs it seems that passing selection_context is required ? I'm really fresh to API calls. Or maybe there is any good documentation somewhere over here ? Thanks
Hello, did you mean to post in the Content Server REST API section? The link you provided is for something else.
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Thanks @Matthew_Pinkney
@splaszczyk , I moved your post to the Digital Asset Management area, where we have Media Management experts.
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Currently the only real documentation we have is via the swagger-ui. What I generally suggest to customers who are working on something similar to this. For the most part the UI performs the rest-api calls. You can capture the requests via the browser with developer tools , and capture the requests and the contents of the requests via that means if that helps?
To help it along, what I also have done, is in dev tools, copy the request as a cURL(Bash), and import that into Postman.
If you are performing a request to get all the assets in a system, I'd suggest using the search end point, so for example:
http://server:port/otmmapi/v6/search/text which takes form data, specifically keyword_query,
in my system, I had the following when capturing the request via developer tools. in my case, the search criteria is just the word test
which will return the results, you would be looking for "asset_id_list", which returns the list of all the assets with that search
hope that helps!
Jeremy Naylor
Lead Quality Analyst | Engineering / XECM2
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