How to send email to users in a role - Entity Modeling ?
Hi Folks,
I want to send email in a rule using entity modeling email template feature. I have to send email to users who are in specific role. Is there any way I can do it easily and not use a customized bpm ?
Thanks in advance.
I see that the experts have not commented your post. Have you reviewed the Entity Modeling guide ?
I want to send email in a rule using entity modeling email template feature. I have to send email to users who are in specific role. Is there any way I can do it easily and not use a customized bpm ?
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Please also refer to this thread.
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Thank you for the response @Karen Weir @Ethan Beisher @Karen Weir
I was looking something dynamic like a function which returns emails of users in a role/group can be used in entity itself. Right now we are using BPM to send emails.
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