Unable to install CSV Emitter plugin using Jar file in Magellan Analytics Designer CE 21.1
I created the CSV Emitter plugin following the instructions given in APIs Programmer Guide provided by Actuate. I've tested the emitter in Magellan Analytics Designer CE 21.1 by running it as an eclipse plugin from Run Configurations. This will create a new instance of eclipse & in Designer Perspective under Run -> View Report I can see this new option as CSV which works fine, but this CSV option will not be available if I normally open the designer after placing the emitter jar under the plugins folder (these are the instructions given in the document).
I've followed the instructions on installing the emitter in iHub using the jar, which works absolutely fine, whereas the instructions for installing it in the designer are not working.
Am I missing something?
After googling, I came to know that the eclipse IDE will no longer load the plugins, which are manually placed under the plugins folder. They have this new folder called dropins, I've tried this approach too & it did not work.
Thanks for helping.
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