CSSDK - List the groups a user is a member of
I can't seem to find a way to list the groups which a user is a member of. I see you can list all users, you can list all groups and users within, but I cannot seem to figure out how to iterate through all the users and then get the specific groups that each individual user belongs to.
I'm using both TS 16.4 & TS 20.2.
I believe I get this working by using getParentGroups:
CSPrincipalManager principalManager = client.getPrincipalManager(); CSIterator usersIterator = client.getPrincipalManager().getAllTSUsers(); while (usersIterator.hasNext()) { CSUser someUser = (CSUser) usersIterator.next(); System.out.println("*** user: " + someUser.getName()); CSIterator groupIterator = someUser.getParentGroups(false); CSGroup group = null; while( groupIterator.hasNext() ) { group = (CSGroup) groupIterator.next(); if (group.getKind() == 0 && !"iwEveryone".equals(group.getName())) { System.out.println("group: " + group.getName()); } } }
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