Process Data Mapping error....
I have an error on execution of process data mapping an i don't know that'is the issue.
On following the stack trace error:
[DM_WORKFLOW_E_COMPUTE_TRANS_COND]error: "Failed to compute transition condition for activity 'Fine benestare' (43) of workflow (4d0279fd8000fe60)."
[DM_EXPRESSION_E_UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE]error: "The Expression Manager encountered an execution error for expression with id 560279fd8003373f. Check the source code stored in routine id 080279fd80a266d3, page 0."
[DM_EXPRESSION_E_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE]error: "The Expression Handler was unable to fetch attribute pcs_tipo_spedizione of type pcs_flusso_logico at index -1 for object 090279fd80a4a6f3."
[DM_OBJ_MGR_W_LOAD_PROPERTY_BAG]warning: "Could not deserialize property bag for pcs_flusso_logico."
Il package of type pcs_flusso_logico contain the attribute pcs_tipo_spedizione..
I don't understand it..
Help me please.
Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry, the issue is on split decision and doesn't on process data mapping activity..
Read below the transition on split:
the package flusso_logico has the attribute pcs_tipo_spedizione..
I using Process builder 6.7 sp1.
thanks again
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Lo script is build via wizard. I didn't write source code on split decision
Tell me please what is going on...
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The transiction is in production for a long time..0
I did restart the bps, docbroker ..and I resolved..:)
Thanks for your support0
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