InfoCenter desktop client customization
Hi All,
We have client who uses eDOCS InfoCenter desktop client heavily for their document and record management across organization. we have received few customization request from the client where we want to add some new features/modules and integrate new functionality inside InfoCenter desktop client. We are aware that we can play around eDOCS DM server data using eDOCS REST API in any kind of client application. however we are not sure how can any customization be made inside InfoCenter itself using it's Rest APIs. Do we have access of InfoCenter codebase from OpenText centralized github repository? or How to integrate third party client application inside InfoCenter desktop version. I am not able to find any references on OpenText support forum about this. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Ashish Rajguru
You should check out the "Additional Docs" link found in the eDOCS REST API
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