Unable to access
Hi @mahesh SAG , let me take this to the team to review.
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What was the url you started with? I expect you used https://developer.opentext.com/ ?
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Hi @mahesh SAG,
Can you let me know what steps you took to login prior to seeing this screen, please? Where you trying to login to the Developer Console or the Admin Center?
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I have given tenent id and username and password before seeing this scren
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@mahesh SAG , can you share the exact steps and urls you use? That will help us understand your issue better.
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this is the url OpenText Authentication Service and posted screenshot in the post
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Hi @mahesh SAG,
Can you try clicking "Sign out", then clear your browser history and navigate to https://na-1-dev.apps.opentext.com/console/apps and try to log in again, please?
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