Retain file's owner name after publishing through OpenDeploy
![Niraj Kumar](
Niraj Kumar
Hi Experts,
I am using Teamsite installed on RHEL 7.7. My opendeploy is running with other user which is not root. Whenever I publish anything from one TS environment to other, files owner is getting updated with OpenDeploy user at destination. I am just wondering is there any parameter in OD which will preserve the file's owner name.
I have tried setting owner name using chmod command in DNR script but since it is filelist publishing couldn't get the vpath of published file.
<script cmd = "/u01/app/iw-home/TeamSite/bin/iwaccess set-owner '$targetPath' '$user'" async="no" />
<script cmd = "/usr/bin/chown '$user' '$targetPath' " async="no" />
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