Bulk publishing of TeamSite EA to database using Datadeploy
Niraj Kumar
HI experts,
I am trying to publish external attributes of files present inside STAGING but I am getting
DBD: Path not found -- interpret as 'NotPresent' error.
my configuration is below:
<deployment name="eauds"> <source> <!-- Pull data tuples from TeamSite Extended Attributes --> <teamsite-extended-attributes options="wide" area="/default/main/intranet/msd-intranet/STAGING"> <path name="."/> </teamsite-extended-attributes> </source>
I think DataDeploy is not able to process "." , is there any other way to achieve this?
I have found a way bulk publish.
I created a filelist by running the below command:
find /iwmnt/default/main/intranet/nybranch/STAGING/ -type f > /u01/app/tmp/mybranch-intranet-filelist.txt
and then the changed
<path name=".">
<path filelist="/u01/app/tmp/mybranch-intranet-filelist.txt"/>
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