Damlink configuring automatic assignment with update to latest version
I need to update DAMLink configuration file (<TEAMS_HOME>/data/sap/damlink_config.xml) to work with auto assignment. Specially to send notification to hybris when asset that was attached to hybris product was atatched with update to latest version.
How XML part for <notificationconfig> should look like? We are using tabular auto assign fields and in documentation there is only sentence "The last datafield for the connectionid must be the assigned field that shall be reset."
Does any one has working example of notificationconfig? How should I see that assigned field is actually reseted?
To design the DAMLink setup document for auto task and warning to Hybris when a resource connected to an item is refreshed, the <notificationconfig> segment in the XML ought to incorporate objective endpoint subtleties, a layout for the JSON payload, and boundaries determining which fields to incorporate. Guarantee the endpoint URL is right and the JSON payload structure lines up with Hybris necessities. Also, in the auto task design, guarantee the relegated field is the last datafield for the connectionid, addressing the field to be reset upon connection refreshes. Testing is urgent to confirm that warnings are sent appropriately and the relegated field resets as expected in Hybris.
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