BIRT Report not rapping strings correctly based on content

I think have found an issue with wrapping text in version 4.8.0.v201806261756 of BIRT Report Designer

I have two strings that are treated differently when viewing the report in PDF format. The following two strings differ only in the character after the third hyphen



When I try to display these strings in a grid column of width 90 points:

- the first one (with the 'F') is correctly wrapped with the text starting from 'F' on a new line

- the second one (with the '7') is not wrapped and the text is clipped on the right hand side

It looks like the strings are treated differently based on whether the character is a digit or an alphabetic character

I enclose a simple report that illustrates this issue. 

It contains a grid with hard-coded values. The left-hand column displays the full text while the second column has a width of 90 points and cannot display the text on one line.

To see the problem load the report and choose Run => View Report => As PDF