Unable to search a file in Documentum (global search) due to an error


Dear Sir/Ma'am,

I was unable to search a file in Documentum (global search) due to an error.

Query execution error ABC: [DM_FULLTEXT_E_EXEC_XQUERY_FAIL]error: "EXEC_XQUERY failed with error ESS_DMSearch::ExecuteSearchPassthrough. Communication Error Failed to perform URL: HTTP://TEST:9300/dsearch/IndexServerServerlet?ftRequestHandler=GET-CONFIG,errorcode: 7: Couldn't connect to server, General Execption, error code -2"



  • Hi,

    The search server i.e., xPlore server seems to be not running and throwing error here.

    Can you check the xPlore server status using the below URL,

    http://<xPlore Host name>:9300/dsearch/?action=CheckSearchable

    If the above URL is also not working, then check the PrimaryDsearch service status on the xPlore host. You might need to restart to bring up the search functional.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi,

    The search server i.e., xPlore server seems to be not running and throwing error here.

    Can you check the xPlore server status using the below URL,

    http://<xPlore Host name>:9300/dsearch/?action=CheckSearchable

    If the above URL is also not working, then check the PrimaryDsearch service status on the xPlore host. You might need to restart to bring up the search functional.

    Hope this helps.