Core Content integration with Core Capture
I'm currently trying to do the Core Content integration with Core Capture, which is demonstrated on the following video:
But for now I'm playing with the Export options of the profile I'm doing, in order to push it on the Core Content. On the docs, the Core Content platform is not really specified. So I tried to perform a connection with CMIS and xECM exports options but I didn't successfuly connected yet.
So I would like to know which export options are the good one and some details of which informations I need to provide (if there is specific path after base-path, etc), in order to reproduce what have been demonstrated in the above video.
@VigierM, can you please confirm you already have a Core Content subscription/license? If not, this might be something to investigate first, as it might be required. In any case, I'll check with the Core Content team to see how we can best help you move forward on this.
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Hi @gvicari,
Yes we have a standard Core Content subscription in our tenant and Core Capture + CoreFedComp ones.
It might also interest you, because I had some troubles while connecting to the Core Capture Designer. We do not have any Sitename, and this use case is not handled in the docs, or I havn't seen it. So I successfully connected by letting it blank and giving my subscription name.
I'll wait for the Core Content team response. Thanks for your quick reply.
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@VigierM. Currently we don't think (checked with the Core Content team and cf. email thread you are also included in) that this has anything to do with your Core Content subscription. It looks like there is an issue with your Core Capture subscription.
Since we are investigating the Core Capture specific issue in context of a newer/other ticket,
, can you please confirm that this ticket, since being about Core Content with Core Capture, and the problem being a Core Capture problem, that the aforementioned ticket, if solved, would also solve this ticket? Thanks!
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Hi @gvicari, yes there was a problem with the Core Capture Designer connection, but now the problem has been fixed. Previously I was able to connect to the designer by using a workaround, so it was only some side content concerning this topic.
The question was really: How can we define an export profile in a capture profile (Distributed Capture tab), in order to export a capture batch to an existing Core Content, like in the demonstration video above.
There is 4 export types by default: Local download, FTP, Intelligent Capture Server and Custom Export. So I tried to define a Custom Export with the help of the docapi, but there is no information about that connection. Then I saw the part ‘Defining Core Share and other CMIS content’ where I tried a CMIS export but I didn't find if Core Content have a CMIS API.
So which custom export type should I configure to have a valid export connection to the Core Content, and on which API of the Core Content should I point ?
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Hi @VigierM, I'm not sure whether you have easy access to the Core Content product documentation directly from, but you will also find the product documentation under It looks like you might find what you are looking for in the Administration Guide.
For your convenience, this is the direct link to the Core Content CE 23.1 - Administration Guide.
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Hi @gvicari, thank you that was the guide I was searching for.
I filled the export informations as indicated with corresponding values, but I have the following error: Failed to connect to CMIS repository: Url[<the_cmis_url>], Repository[Enterprise], Authentication[Oauth]
Repository 'Enterprise'not found!The repository exists in Core Content, so I don't know why I have this error.
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Hi @VigierM, can you share more details about the used URLs?
Did you create the API Service Credentials on the Core Content subscription level in AdminCenter?
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I used url using US data center:<tenant_id>/oauth2/tokenYes I created the API Service Credentials and I am using it in the OAuth authentication. I followed all the steps indicated in the documentation.
The authentication is successful, the error is that it doesn't find the repository ‘Enterprise’
If I am making intentionnaly an error in the authentication, it gives an error saying that the token can't be retrieved.
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Hi @VigierM,
is your user in more than one subscription in the tenant?
There is currently a restriction that the user can only be a member of the Core Content subscription in this scenario.
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As I don't have any service account for core capture, I'm testing with my own, which is in many subscriptions.
I'll ask for the creation of a service account and retry with it.
Thank you for the answer
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I created a Core Capture dedicated user to serve as service account, but I still have the error: Repository 'Enterprise'not found!
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Hi @VigierM
the account must be member of the Core Content subscription.
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Effectively I created it in the wrong subscription… I am now able to connect to the Core Content Repository through the CMIS. Thank you for your help.
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Excellent, @Bernhard Mayer, thanks for helping us out here :). Cheers.
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