error integrating Core Content with MS Teams
I am trying to setup the connection between Core Content and MS Teams. To do so I followed the steps as described in the documentation from OpenText (AdminGuide).
I created an Azure App with the assigned API permissions:
I configured the settings in the Admin Center:
I enabled sharing with Teams within the Core Content Administration.
Now when I try to share a document with Teams I get the following error:
The underlying error is as follow:
Ophalen van teams mislukt: Missing scope permissions on the request. API requires one of 'Team.ReadBasic.All, TeamSettings.Read.All, TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All, User.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, User.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All'. Scopes on the request 'User.Read, profile, openid, email'
So the error specifies that the API permissions are missing, eventhough there are configured in the Azure App Registration.
@Dave Snijders, we will check with the team and get back to you.
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To support sharing to Microsoft Teams, the registered Azure AD app must have the following permissions (as documented in the Admin guide):
Application (admin consent required)- Files.ReadWrite.All
- Team.ReadBasic.All
Delegated (admin consent not required)
- Channel.ReadBasic.All
- Files.ReadWrite.All
- Team.ReadBasic.All
From the screen shot provided, I can see that the following permissions was not assigned for the Delegate type:
- Channel.ReadBasic.All
- Files.ReadWrite.All
- Team.ReadBasic.All
Please note the difference between Application and Delegate type when assigning permissions.
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Thank you, I overlooked it. It is now working and I can share files with teams.
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