If I have a Core Content subscription, can I use the OT2 Core APIs directly?

Hi OT2 Team,
I have access to a trial of OpenText Core Content (SaaS App) This is working fine and we can access the web interface, add content etc. As part of evaluating the Core Content platform, we need to confirm whether we can interact/add content using available APIs.
Reading Content Storage Services and Content Metadata Services which allow developers to upload files, manage types, object attributes and permissions. Core Content then adds APIs that allow Core Content customers to extend and integrate their organization’s tenant via this APIs."
, this states that "The underpinnings to Core Content are theThis leads me to believe that I should be able to use these APIs directly, rather than only interacting with content directly via the Core Content UI/App.
Thing is, I have been unable to get this to work using the Postman project from
It would seem that I do not have rights/privileges to the APIs directly - as I cannot seem to obtain a valid OAuth token, despite being able to signin to Core Content!
So my question is - if a customer has only subscribed to the SaaS Core Content (App), does this entitle them to use the Core APIs directly, associated with the same subscription/tenancy that the Core Content app resides under?
Best Answer
You need to find out the API gateway host URL for your region. On each API documentation page, on the top is a list of server URLs you use to access that specific service. You combine that server URL with specific API endpoint to form your API call. Most services use this pattern: {api-host}/{service-prefix}….
Hi @David Henshaw , I have shared your inquiry with the team
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Hi David,
I will need to look up your trial subscription configuration to determine how it was set up; if it includes API access or not. For starters, could you please share the URL you use to access Core Content trial? That will give me the data center and subscription name which will help me.
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Hi Karen - I believe trial has been setup in EU region. URL I use to access SaaS Core Content App is https://corecontent.ot2.opentext.eu/subscriptions/fastman-corecontent?userEmail=ZGF2aWQuaGVuc2hhd0BmYXN0bWFuLmNvbQ
Can I pick up on your comment "..if it includes API access or not". Does this imply that customers who sign up for Core Content (the app) do not automatically have entitlement to use the Core Content APIs directly? Or that they need to have an additional API plan?
We're looking to build solutions above Core Content (the app) - i.e. we need to be able to ingest/export/modify content stored in Core Content, using the APIs, such that those events then present throught he Core Content app UI. If a separate API plan is required for that kind of scenario, ouch!
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Thank you David,
I will verify with Product Management about the inclusion of APIs. I will also connect you directly to the team so that we can explore your initiatives in more detail.
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Thank you for confirming via email that you have connected with Alex from our PS team. If you need anything further, please let me know David.
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Hi Karen and David,
I'm going through the same situation as David and I'd like to know if any configuration must be done to work with the Core Content APIs.
I would appreciate if you could help me with this problem.
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Thanks @Jaime Galvis , I will get you in touch with our team to review your subscription and provide any information needed.
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For access to public APIs, additional steps need to be performed. These requirements are outlined in this link:
In short, you need:
- have an organization created and proper developer plan added via fulfillment.
- Create an extension app for your Core Content subscription.
During the creation process of the extension app, you will be prompted to download your unique client ID and client secret pair. This client id/secret pair will be needed for all future authentications with public API gateway.
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I have a question regarding the accessibility of API in our Production subscription. We plan to integrate Exstream to Core Content, but we also would like to connect other Applications to Core Content. I did not understand how we can access the Productions API's of our tenant, especially this API. From Previous explanation I get we have to create an API extension and we receive the Client credentials and secrets, but still we do not know how to compile the public API URLs from the API documentation received in developer.
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You need to find out the API gateway host URL for your region. On each API documentation page, on the top is a list of server URLs you use to access that specific service. You combine that server URL with specific API endpoint to form your API call. Most services use this pattern: {api-host}/{service-prefix}….
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Thanks, this has worked for us.
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