23.2 hotfix 2 question - Smartview is not starting after HF2

Kyle Pettit
E Community Moderator
(this was a question sent into the SDK email alias for D2 Smart View SDK partner challenge. It might help others, so I am reposting)
Smartview is not starting any more due to a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown server method name: IsSuperUser error
any advice?
Kyle Pettit
Documentum D2 Product manager
- What is the CS version used? Is it 23.2 itself or prior 22.4. Also is the existing D2-Smartview working? if yes, you can replace the dfc.jar from the working D2-Smartview to continue
- Location: <D2-Smartview>/WEB-INF/lib
Kyle Pettit
Documentum D2 Product manager0 - What is the CS version used? Is it 23.2 itself or prior 22.4. Also is the existing D2-Smartview working? if yes, you can replace the dfc.jar from the working D2-Smartview to continue
Partner reply:
I am using 22.2 CS.
I am using smartview 23.2.0 (no hotfix, just the original version) That works.
I replaced in 23.2.2 (hotfix version) the dfc-23.2.0000.0142.jar with the 23.2.0 dfc.jar (notice name difference)That is working now.
Is CS 22.2 not ok?
Kyle Pettit
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