(this was a question sent into the SDK email alias for D2 Smart View SDK partner challenge. It might help others, so I am reposting)
… I was wondering if you could explain me a bit how to use the @ResourceViewBinding.
I understand the concept of it. (Deserializing the return object to the JSON structure required ?)
But I can’t figure out how it works.
Kyle Pettit
Documentum D2 Product manager
@ResourceViewBinding : is a custom annotation which is used as wrapper for the serialization of the DataViews with Types(this is used to represent the response representation if not mentioned in the model POJO's).
Each of the DataVIews is just a custom class which will have a reference to the POJO's which is attached to the DataViews class using the @DataViewBinding. This dataview class is mainly used to attach the linkrels and other custom logic for the response apart from the POJO's data.
DataView class needs to extend from LinkableView<POJO class>
So for further help.. i am attaching the REST servic
es development guide for reference
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