In a workflow task, how do i get all supporting document's as a regular user?
Im currently calling APIs from
/D2-Smartview/repositories/<repo>/d2-workflows/<workflow id>/supporting-documents
However this link can only be called by user who have system administrator privilege in documentum otherwise we will get this error
{ "status": 403, "code": "E_INVALID_USER", "message": "The logged in user is not allowed to perform this operation.", "details": "", "id": "dc7e3515-5bc3-44f1-af14-c7fdc78745dd"}
What is the best way for a normal user to get all supporting documents of the task? (not in UI)
You have it mostly correct. However where you have <workflow_id> you need the trackerId instead.
GET /repositories/{repositoryName}/d2-workflows/{trackerId}/supporting-documents Get the d2 workflow_supporting_documents
To get tracker id you can query d2c_workflow_tracker where workflow_id = xxxx or where process_id = xxxx
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