D2 Smartview SDK - Overriding OnClick Actions
We are publishing the following how-to encase in a zip file. This will be included in 23.4 as a sample but exists today in 23.2 as well, this is just a how-to to help you figure out how. Here is the READ_ME.txt file in the zip so you can get an idea of what is required then dive into the sample:
Assuming your SDK workspace root folder is at 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0' and plugin projects are created within 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0\plugins'
1.1. Extract the directory 'D2SV-Object-OnClick-Actions' from this zip file directly inside 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0\plugins'
1.2. Edit 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0\pom.xml' file and locate the ... section within it.
1.3. Add plugins\D2SV-Object-OnClick-Actions as new child element to .
1.4. Save 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0\pom.xml'.
2.1 Open command prompt in 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0' and execute command 'npm run build' without the quotes. - DEPLOY THE PLUGIN
Assuming D2-Smartview 23.2.0 is running on Tomcat instance to be found at 'C:\Tomcat'
3.1 Copy 'D2SV-Object-OnClick-Actions-1.0.0.jar' from 'C:\D2SV-SDK-23.2.0\dist' folder.
3.2 Paste the copied jar file inside 'C:\Tomcat\webapps\D2-Smartview\WEB-INF\lib' folder.
3.3 Restart the Tomcat instance.
4.1 Login into D2-Smartview
4.2 Open a Doclist and navigate to any cabinet/folder.
4.3 Click on MIME Icon of document which is having .png or .txt extension.
4.4 On click of .png file, sample toast message will be shown instead of opening in viewer(Default behaviour).
4.5 On click of .txt file, sample Modal alert will be shown instead of downloading the file(Default behaviour). - WORKING EXPLANATION
This plugin is an example that shows how to override the default behavior of object on click.
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