D2 Smartview 23.2 - Query Forms Classification
In the D2 Smartview 22.2 version we were using category folders to group the query forms in the “My Searches” widget.
Now in the D2 Smartview 23.2 version the application doesn’t take into consideration the category folders to classify the query forms appropriately, but instead it is listing all the query forms without any classification.
The categories will only be displayed, when the "My Searches" widged is expanded.
Is there any possibility to configure D2 Smartview 23.2 to display the category folders for “My Searches” widget, when the widget is collapsed?
Hi @Jürgen Tebrün ,
We did that based on the design discussion as part of 22.4 release for the advanced search support to provide the accessibility
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Hi Antony,
thank you for your answer. Sorry, I don't understand. How does this support the advanced search?
However, if this is by design, are we able to use the SDK or a configuration option to bring the category folders back?
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Hi @Jürgen Tebrün ,
This will break in the case where we use multiple levels of categories. This will be difficult to show as nested view in the small view in landing page.
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Thank you Antony. I understand your concern. In the current situation where we need it, we are only using a single level of categories and it worked fine in version 22.2. If you could give us a hint, we may be able to restore the old design.
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