How to implement the "AdminDictionariesWidget" in Smart View
The widget type “AdminDictionariesWidget” is listed but it seems not to be supported for the D2-Smartview. We already tried including this in the D2-Smartview landing page but it is saying the widget type implementation is missing for the “AdminDictionariesWidget” type.
What do we need to change, in order to make the implementation work?
Best Answer
The AdminGroups widget was a good example of how an existing widget type can be specified and used in Smart View but it needs UI and backend services that are Smart View specific.
Similar to AdminGroups sample, it would need to be re-written for Smart View. Classic used Google Web Toolkit (GWT) whereas Smart View uses javascript libraries and backing rest services. GWT abstracted most of that, letting us write code in java and GWT generated the UI/JS and backing RPC services. Unfortunately, they are not compatible.
@Jürgen Tebrün : Correct AdminDictionariesWidget is not yet implmented for the D2SV… In D2-Config we dont have a biforcation between the D2-SMartview and D2-Classic in the case of widgets.
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Thank you for the answer Antony. Is the implementation in Smart View possible for us with a reasonable effort or will this widget need to be completely rewritten?
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The AdminGroups widget was a good example of how an existing widget type can be specified and used in Smart View but it needs UI and backend services that are Smart View specific.
Similar to AdminGroups sample, it would need to be re-written for Smart View. Classic used Google Web Toolkit (GWT) whereas Smart View uses javascript libraries and backing rest services. GWT abstracted most of that, letting us write code in java and GWT generated the UI/JS and backing RPC services. Unfortunately, they are not compatible.
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Thank you Michael,
I will forward your response to our developers.0
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