Change of Hostname for Document Server, DA, and D2


I am trying to change the hostname of my document server using the Migration Utility tool. However, when I try to run the .bat file using the CMD it doesn't work and throws out an error message saying the java has some issue. I read the documentation and it said to download the JDBC .jar file and append the path location in the Not sure on where to put the .jar files and append the location.

If anyone has an idea or knows how to change the hostname it would be a grateful help.

Thank you.
Warm Regards,



  • I am getting this error when I initiate the MigrationUtil.bat file.
    Does anyone knows how to fix it?
    Please do let me know.

    Thank you.

  • Copy the jdbc.jar file wherever you want, open .cmd file with notepad and edit the java command / classpath with the path of the file