Livesite External component Debugging

Hi Experts,
We have one Livesite external JAVA components which
it pulls content feeds from Confluence using Confluence’s REST API request interface and then return JSON response containing the request results.
It was working fine but now we are getting error for this external components.
blog REST request error. Target: <hostname>:443. Request URI: /community/rest/api/content/{pageid}?expand=history,space&sarKey=<key>. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection pool shut down
I am trying to debug by putting extra loggers inside Java code but after those loggers is not showing up in log files. It seems like my .page is not reading the updated code and somehow it keeps on printing the old values.
I am not sure how to debugs this anymore, so I need some help or guidance.
So is /community/rest/api/content/{pageid}?expand=history,space&sarKey=<key> the Confluence REST API ? I assume so.
Is it running on the same host as LS ? Can you query the REST API directly?
Have any of the SSL certs changed ?
As to why the page is not picking up the new code, there are only a few options there. You've been around long enough that you know to clear cache/restart Tomcat. Are there more than one copy of the JAR you updated ? Copy it down and put it in a Java decompiler to confirm
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