Developer Aviator chatbot - Huge difference in response when using lower or capital h

jpluimers E Community Moderator
edited July 17, 2024 in Report an Issue #1

Question: how do I create a type definition? / How do I create a type definition?
Only difference is the case of the first world 'how' or 'How'.

The answer given is very different when using 'how' (lower case) compared to How (upper case). This must not make a distinction at all.

Best Answer


  • gvicari
    gvicari E Community Moderator

    @jpluimers, this has been registered as a bug and our engineering team will update you in this thread once the work related to it has been completed.

  • jpluimers
    jpluimers E Community Moderator
    #4 Answer ✓

    This issue is fixed with the GA release.

This discussion has been closed.