Monitor not starting
Getting below error in CMC file.
<log4j:event logger="com.eibus.transport.socket.TransportProvider" timestamp="1718344867071" level="ERROR" thread="ConnectionKiller subscriber_1718344847047">
<![CDATA[Unexpected exception.]]></log4j:message>
<![CDATA[java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUpException: Failed to connect to remote port (), number configured addresses is: 1
at com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUp.getPrefferedSyncUp(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.WatcherBase.<init>(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.SOAPProcessorWatcher.<init>(
at com.eibus.transport.socket.TransportProvider$ConnectionKiller$1.<init>(
at com.eibus.transport.socket.TransportProvider$
Caused by: com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUpException: Failed to connect to remote port (), number configured addresses is: 1
at com.eibus.util.syncup.clients.RemoteSyncUp.internalConnect(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.clients.RemoteSyncUp.start(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUp.getSyncUp(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUp.getPrefferedSyncUp(
at com.eibus.util.syncup.SyncUp.getPrefferedSyncUp(
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