Hello, Has anyone else encountered something simmilar? TS 16.6
On my teamsite application I have a "content - slideshow" and "list of links" component and any other component that implements a replicant system to add/remove/re-order the items and import an image file in the component properties tab.
Using "content - slideshow" as an example.
When a new item is added to the list the previous selection is replicated and placed below the original in the list. Then clicking to add an existing image to the item will open the hierbrowser window to browse image files. Selecting an image file is possible but the "ok" button is disabled and trying to cancel out causes the window to freeze, this is the only exception that comes up in the browser tools. It should be noted at this stage when the replicant is created 2 TINYMCE editor areas are generated next to each other when there should only be one.
I can manually edit the html to enabled the OK button, but clicking it causes the window to freeze with the same exception.
********* JS console error in Dev tools ***********
VM6584:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'setDatum_c08120be2c872f8ef7979e65f6dcf3ddcdc5c33f')
at eval (eval at on_ok_delayed (hierbrowser.js:588:17), <anonymous>:1:15)
at on_ok_delayed (hierbrowser.js:588:17)
at <anonymous>:1:1
****** function in hierbroswer.js where the exception occurs
function on_ok_delayed(skipCheck)
if (skipCheck || do_ok_check())
var selection = get_selection_array();
if (selection.length != 0)
if (selectionCallback != null && selectionCallback != "")
if(selectionCallback.indexOf('"') !== -1)
***** all of these values evaluate undefined *********
var findStr = '"';
var replacement = '"';
selectionCallback = selectionCallback.replace(findStr ,replacement);
var index = selectionCallback.lastIndexOf(findStr);
selectionCallback = selectionCallback.substring(0,index) + replacement +
selectionCallback.substring(index + findStr.length selectionCallback.length+1);
eval(selectionCallback + "(selection)"); ***** fails here *****
alert("No selection callback defined for this hierbrowser");
The strange thing is If you add a new replicant item then apply the component and re-open the component properties editor window you can import the image fine.
These replicant.js and Hierbrowser.js files are massive and incredibly complex and abstracted… I had to walk through thousands of lines of code to get 0 information there is just way to many different files and functions called for clicking 2 buttons.
Im simply looking for anyone who may have experienced a similar issue who could point me to where to start looking because it feels like a needle in a haystack of hashed component Id's.