We have a BIRT report that would run on one or multiple records and display the output. For example if the report has ran for 3 records then the report will display output in 3 pages (1 record per page). We need to change the color of a row based on the status field as mentioned below,
Record | Part Number | Status | Color |
One | 12345 | SERVICABLE | Yellow |
Two | 56789 | UNSERVICABLE | Red |
Three | 10111 | REPAIR | Green |
The issue is that the color remains YELLOW for all the three records even though the status is different. I used the condition as row["status"] Equal to "SERVICEABLE" , row["status"] Equal to "UNSERVICEABLE" , row["status"] Equal to "REPAIR"
I assume that I need to add another field in the condition however I'm unable choose multiple attributes in the condition.