OpenText APIs Quick Start Guide

Shahid M
E Community Moderator
The following steps will help you try out the APIs quickly after you've signed up for one of the free trials. We have 3 trials available: Services bundle, Signature, and Messaging.
This guide is also available in the website, along with other key resources to help you get started.
First, confirm the region where you have created your account by hovering over the Console menu option after you log in. For example, if you see “CA” next to your organization name then that means your account is in the Canada Region.
To Authenticate, gather the following credentials (provided to you during the trial signup):
- Tenant Id, Tenant Username & Password (if you don’t know the password, select your tenant in the Admin Console and select option to reset your password, as shown below)
- Client Id & Client Secret (client id and secret from the app that you have created and assigned to the tenant)
- If you do not have the client secret saved, you can regenerate the Service Client by going to the App at the Organization level, as shown below
- Add a redirect URL to test in Swagger on
To test the APIs, you can use the Swagger documentation.
- For example, to test Content Metadata Service APIs, go to
- The Authorization screen has a long list of servers and authentication methods to choose from. Pick the server based on the region and use the (OAuth2, password) authentication method
- Once successfully authenticated, head back to the API documentation page and choose an API to try out.
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