What is the size limit for content upload using the Content Storage Service Version 2 API?

I am using Content Storage Service v2 APIs to upload files to OpenText, and I want to know the maximum upload size limit for content. And also is there any limitation on how many api calls we can make per sec
Best Answer
Hello @SnehaKhatkole ,
When you use CSS v3, you will get back as part of the response an ID. You can use that to create the CMS object.
Note that when you do a POST to CMS file endpoint, the rendition object must pass as the blob_id the CSS v3 ID and a specific new field called "source" with a static value "FILE_ID". This will instruct CMS that the blob_id is a CSS v3 ID instead of v2.
Example of the renditions node in your POST body below:
"renditions": [ { "name": "capture_response (3).pdf", "blob_id": "74111570-6732-46be-8b52-5458423725b0", "rendition_type": "primary", "source": "FILE_ID" } ]
Also note that creating the viewer renditions automatically as part of the CMS file creation is not supported with CSS v3. Instead you will need to create the publication request on your application side.
As long as you go via the css.<region>.api.opentext.com host name for uploading content - there is no real limit on file size. However, it is a single upload - not chunked - so if it fails for some reason then you would have to start from the beginning. Hence we would recommend v3 which supports chunking and therefore restarting of failed uploads partway through.
For a paying customer CSS and CMS APIs are limited to 80 read and 40 write requests/second per Organization. For free trials this is a shared limit across all free trial Organizations.1 -
Thank you for your response. If we use V3, how can we utilize the CMS API to store a file in the CMS folder? The CMS folder API requires a blob ID for the file, but the V3 API doesn't provide a blob ID in the response after uploading the file.
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Hello @SnehaKhatkole ,
When you use CSS v3, you will get back as part of the response an ID. You can use that to create the CMS object.
Note that when you do a POST to CMS file endpoint, the rendition object must pass as the blob_id the CSS v3 ID and a specific new field called "source" with a static value "FILE_ID". This will instruct CMS that the blob_id is a CSS v3 ID instead of v2.
Example of the renditions node in your POST body below:
"renditions": [ { "name": "capture_response (3).pdf", "blob_id": "74111570-6732-46be-8b52-5458423725b0", "rendition_type": "primary", "source": "FILE_ID" } ]
Also note that creating the viewer renditions automatically as part of the CMS file creation is not supported with CSS v3. Instead you will need to create the publication request on your application side.
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