D2 Login : customize to add a custom event

Hello all,
When I login into D2, I would like to create a new custom event in the DB.
Is it possible to extends the "login" action by code to add the creation of my
custom event ?
Is there another way to do that ?
I have done what you said in the other post : enable auditing for the dm_connect event against the dm_user type.
In our application, we use custom D2 widget which also open sessions so there are a lot of "dm_connect" events
I can filter with "String_5 != 'Ticket'" to filter the eventsBut it seems to have severals dm_connect events for only one real "login" and I do not know really why.
Do you know if it it possible to intercept the login connexion in D2 in order to create/add our own custom login event (with our own custom information) ?
Are you aware of a event named "d2_connect" ?
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Yes this is due to session pooling : web clients such as D2 may request a session multiple times to respond to a user action and therefore. As you rightly pointed out, the d2_connect event is more appropriate for your use case.
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I start D2
Fill login=opidis_integOPS / password=****
and then connectWith
SELECT * FROM dm_audittrail WHERE event_name like 'dm_connect' and String_5 != 'Ticket'
In the Database, for opidis_integOPS, I found 2 entries (1 seconds between both)5f06f8558024a83c dm_connect System Unspecific opidis_integOPS 1106f85580001117 20/09/2024 15:58:38 dfc_KJad5GMj3WAClkpxb5RgnHup0ZIa;D2 Classic null;null OpopD224.rennes.artesys.com; inline password 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 1106f85580001117 opidis_integOPS dm_user Logon 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0106f855800964c2 1106f85580001117 opidis_integOPS OPS_DEFAULT_ACL DEVOPIDIS 0000000000000000 4 opopd224 20/09/2024 13:58:38 2606f85580001502 4 0000000000000000
5f06f8558024a83a dm_connect System Unspecific opidis_integOPS 1106f85580001117 20/09/2024 15:58:37 dfc_KJad5GMj3WAClkpxb5RgnHup0ZIa;D2 Classic null;null OpopD224.rennes.artesys.com; inline password 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 1106f85580001117 opidis_integOPS dm_user Logon 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0106f855800964c0 1106f85580001117 opidis_integOPS OPS_DEFAULT_ACL DEVOPIDIS 0000000000000000 4 opopd224 20/09/2024 13:58:37 2606f85580001502 4 0000000000000000
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I have just found a reference to the event d2_connect but I do not find any d2_connect event in my database.
Do you have information about this ?
How to activate it for example ? (I do not found anything inside DA)
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I would suggest referring to the Documentum administration guide. This covers things at a low level and can result in more events as every save,connect, fetch, etc are audited for compliance.
When using Documentum Classic or Smart View clients (formerly D2) there are application specific events you can configure that can reduce the amount of events to those specific to the application/functionality.
Here is an example of D2 audit events (same document has configuration guideance as well):
https://webapp.opentext.com/piroot/edccl/v230200/edccl-agd/en/html/admin-r-cont-server-audit-events.htmD2 audits must be configured in D2
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I have found this so I share:
Event d2_connect istriggered upon each user login and d2_connect event is triggered only upon alogin.
Perform thefollowing steps in order to audit connection events in D2:
1. You need toenable audit config in D2-Config for D2 connection events. For this you need togo to Tools > Documentum Audit and then check the checkbox for "D2Connection audit"
2. DQL> select *from dm_audittrail where user_name = 'user' and event_name = 'd2_connect';
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If anyone has an information about intercepting the code called behing the login button of the D2 login page, please share
I search to do something like this
d2LoginCalled () {
// call or intercept the existing D2 code for login
// put here my custom code
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You would need to write a plugin for D2RepositoryService and override the method checkLoginUserName.
This is the method invoked by D2 immediately after the login button is clicked
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thx you for the answer, I will now check on my side, it seems to be a good lead
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