Checkin with Documentum REST using BOCS for content upload
we are trying to do a checkin over Documentum REST with using our remote BOCS server for uploading the content.
The default checkin request is a multipart request where you send the content of the file to the REST application.
However, we are searching for an option where the client can directly pass the file's content to the BOCS server for better upload performance.
In the REST development guide there is a section on "ACS and BOCS content upload" that has the example of generating a BOCS write URL on checkout with /lock?require-dc-write=true&format=<format>&content-length=<content length>&network-location=<location name>.
However we are currently unsuccessful to upload content to this URL, also the documentation does not specify if this process is at all working toegther with a checkin request later on.
Has someone successfully done a checkout and checkin with uploading new content for the new version over BOCS and can share some examples?
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