Unable to login to D2 application, failing with exception an invalid ACL domain

Srinivasu K
Srinivasu K E Member
edited October 1, 2024 in Documentum #1

Hi All,

We recently migrated cloud version postgres from single instance to flexible, as part of this process the old docbase owner changed from <user>@domain to only <user> and got updated in respective files.

Ex: dctm@dev.com to dctm

Post this we are facing issue while login to D2 application , its throwing error .

[ERROR] [preference-thread] - com.emc.common.dctm.utils.DfSessionUtil : Error occured while create a User Resource Folder :

c.emc.x3.api.preferences.X3Preferences : Error occured while creating user folder with user session hence creating the folder using admin session.

can any one suggest on this, what objects ACL domain we need to update to get login to D2 application.