New! Developer content versioning
Karen Weir
E Community Administrator
What's New:
Previously, in, each product release produced a separate API or doc which made the interface cumbersome and bloated your search results.
We are delighted to announce that developer resources are now versioned, which will vastly improve your navigation and search results.
API versions:
Here is a quick demonstration of how it works:
Search Results:
Search results will now show each API operation or Document once, and list each available product version. This makes it easier to locate what you need, and jump to the version.
- All Categories
- 122 Developer Announcements
- 53 Articles
- 151 General Questions
- 146 Thrust Services
- 56 OpenText Hackathon
- 35 Developer Tools
- 20.6K Analytics
- 4.2K AppWorks
- 9K Extended ECM
- 917 Cloud Fax and Notifications
- 83 Digital Asset Management
- 9.4K Documentum
- 31 eDOCS
- 178 Exstream
- 39.8K TeamSite
- 1.7K Web Experience Management
- 9 XM Fax
- Follow Categories