Rule: An item is deleted

Lori Dingman
When you create a rule with even An item is Deleted, which triggers a BPM with true conditions, does the BPM run after or before item is deleted?
Hi Lori,
An interesting question that triggered a try-out from my side.
Spoiler: It's running before!This is what I did:
- Create a test entity with one property "name"
- Add webservices with the UPDATE operation (and add a service container to support it)
- Add the deletion Rule with no condition starting a BPM
- The BPM does the UPDATE operation via the rootEntityInstanceId setting the name with "Set before delete!"
- Add the History BB to prove the outcome (with retaining the data after deletion!)
- Publish it all, create an instance, and delete it.
- Now have a look in the database (Postgres in my case) for the result:
SELECT s_audit_id, convert_from(s_history_data, 'UTF8') from o2aw_tipsprj_generichistoryloglist;
You might find this "AppWorks Tips" post also interesting!
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@Lori Dingman , The BPM will get triggered before deletion of item but the entire process will be in a single transaction. You can make the BPM as long lived if you want it to be out of transaction.
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