Documentum DQL Query to make all active user read-only

Please provide the DQL Query to make all active users read-only permission.
I tried below query, but after executing the query for particular user, I logged in webtop with that user, that user able to do create ,delete and export operations.
SET user_privileges = 1
WHERE user_name='xxxx'
I guess the user list and their parameters might be cached and you might need to restart your docbase services for this be taken into account.
Not sure though….
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Nothing to do with caching. Setting user_privileges to 1 basically grants all users CREATE TYPE privileges, which is not what you want. User privileges have nothing to do with permissions (except for the SUPERUSER privilege which grants owner access to all objects).
I suggest you first read the documentation about the Documentum security model. If you still have questions, then ask them once you have an understanding of ACLs.
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Absolutely right, I misread the question.
My bad
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I tried below query, but after executing the query for particular user, I logged in webtop with that user, that user able to do create ,delete and export operations."
With webtop, you should be able to set client capability to consumer and most everything will display read-only. If that is not enough, you can go through the permissions model to ensure all your "consuming" users only have read permissions where applicable.
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