Is it possibile to create a custom manager such as the "ImportManager"?
Hello all,
I need to create a dialog to import files from another system through D2 UI.
I tried to create a custom manager class like ImportManager and replace the 1st dialog with a custom one to make users can select infos (from registered table) to import.
users need to edit properties for each item and that's why I consider a custom manager.
I added a menu and call action "Show dialog with manager : CustomImportManager", but
"The class CustomImportManager
is unknown in the factory ActionManagerFactoryImpl" message shows up on browser console and nothing happens.
Is it possible to add a custom manager on D2?
If not, Is there any alternatives to cover this requirement?
Any information you provide would be really helpful for me.
Hi there,
Did you ever find a solution for that because I might have the same kind of requirement coming up (to checkin multiple documents at once) and might need to create my own manager too as the 'regular' checkin doesn't do it
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