SendMail fails in Deadline BB.

Can someone tell me why the SendMail web service works thorugh the Web Service Explorer but then it fails with the error below when my Deadline BB is trying to send the email? My Mail Configuration looks correct. The emails are getting generated because they are creating an entry in this table: O2CustomerNameAPInvoicesWorkflowSolutionEmails
<log4j:event logger="" timestamp="1738561956500" level="ERROR" thread="BPMEngine_LongLivedProcess_ThreadPool/WorkerThread-1"><log4j:message><![CDATA[An error occurred while processing the SOAP request: Cannot invoke "String.isEmpty()" because "" is null]]></log4j:message><log4j:MDC><![CDATA[hopCount=0 ISVPackage=Cordys E-mail Connector senderComponent=UNKNOWN instance=f9593125-c558-4a07-9956-b7aa912ca7f3 processorDN=cn=Scales Email SMTP,cn=Scales Email,cn=soap nodes,o=Scales,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst, host=img-aw-01 process=DeadlineBuildingBlock_DT/Process/Entity DeadLine Monitoring Process correlationID=000D3A9F-5F58-A1EF-B87C-C44CF9FB3BD2,cn=organizational users,o=Scales,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst, messageID=000D3A9F-5F58-A1EF-B87C-C44CF9FAFBD2 processid=10192 Method=SendMail]]></log4j:MDC><log4j:throwable><![CDATA[java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.isEmpty()" because "" is null
Best Answer
@minman0615 You need to run the "SetProfile" service call to set this username for sending out the request.
Read also more about it at:
@minman0615 You need to run the "SetProfile" service call to set this username for sending out the request.
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