TinyMCE upgrade
I'm making a local development environment for TinyMCE plugins that mocks the IWTinyMCECustomConfig API.
I have it almost ready for TS 7.4 as diffing IWOV customizations was fairly easy. I also corelated release dates and found the original TinyMCE that was used (this one) so now I'm able to develop plugins using a dubuggable version of TinyMCE.
We've did an upgrade to 7.5 and I extracted TinyMCE from the installation package to have it as a base for my envionment. With this release it's considerably harder to extract any customizations you could have added to TinyMCE as the source is minified. I've traced the version that was used as the base to 4.1.4 (commit).
Please share the TinyMCE source with your customizations. TinyMCE is on LGPL and it defines that:
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.
I'm not sure what you're asking here?
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Wasn't sure how or where to ask myself so I just aked here. As to what - I'm asking for the source code for TinyMCE 4.1.4 used in TeamSite 7.5. I want to see what modifications are done to TinyMCE and also I want to be able to use it in dev mode (where it dynamically loads all classes and is not minified).
I could reverse-engineer the minified version but that's pointless when it's under LGPL and I can just ask for it.
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The library is under LGPL, but the platform using it is not. Thus, any extensions or configurations that HP has done in order to integrate the library into TeamSite is not subject to that licensing.
Either way, if you actually want a copy, you'll have to ask via a support case. I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Will do that. Hoped that there are community managers that can reach for that. I don't need their integration code as I already mock it (hence I'm able to use custom_config.js to spawn configured TinyMCE instances).
Nevertheless any modifications done in TinyMCE can affect a plethora of things. As I learned on 3.1.2 it's nothing that would prevent it running standalone but it fixes parts that would break TeamSite. Also, they keep their JS unminified so debugging it is not as painful .
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