Optimizing time elaboration in report with many queries

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
I'm a java developer and i'm approaching to BIRT Designer.
I have a question:
if in my report i have to execute multiple queries (for example 10
queries, each one representig a resultset of a table), BIRT Engine
execute all the queries in consecutive mode or in parallel mode?
I make this question because in my report i have to optimize time

Thanks a lot

Giacomo Farella


  • garyxue
    edited December 31, 1969 #2
    Hi Giacomo,
    In current release of BIRT all data set connections and queries are executed sequentially.
    Please note that the data set queries may be executed in any order that BIRT engine sees fit. They do not necessarily correspond to the order of table/lists that use those data sets.