Dynamic Y-axis scale



  • <p>Thanks Clement Wong. I will give it a try.</p>
  • hatra
    edited March 25, 2019 #33

    I am trying to use this script
    beforeRendering: function(options, chart)


    if (chart.getYAxisMax() < 1000000)

    options.yAxis[0].labels.formatter = function() {
            return (this.value / 10000) + ' K';

    else if (chart.getYAxisMax() > 1000000)

    options.yAxis[0].labels.formatter = function() {
            return (this.value / 1000000) + ' M';


    to modify a scale on a x - Axis to Min 1000000 and max 10,000,000 and also to show 000,000 as M
    but it wont work for me, could anyone help for the script please ?
    eclipse.org/birt/2005/design" version="3.2.23"
    OpenText Analytics Designer
    Version: 24.4.0