PageBreak Inside Avoid not working

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>Hi,</p><p> </p><p>I have a dynamic table and a grid in a page. The grid has 3 static rows. I have set pagebreak inside to avoid in the grid. But the grid 3 rows is splitting between 2 pages. I am using BIRT 3.7.2. Is there any other configuration i need to add ?</p>


  • <p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;">Hi,</p><p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;"> </p><p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;">I have a dynamic table and a grid in a page. The grid has 3 static rows. I have set pagebreak inside to avoid in the grid. But the grid 3 rows is splitting between 2 pages. I am using BIRT 3.7.2. Is there any other configuration i need to add ?</p>