Parameter validation error and warning messages?
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<p>I have a report that has a start and end date parameter. I want to do the following validations</p>
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<p>1) If start date is null and end date is some selected date ( or otherwise), show error message that either both should be nulls or both should be a selected date..(in case of start date and end date null, all dates will be selected, otherwise show data between start and end date)</p>
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<p>2) If end date is less than start date, show an error message</p>
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<p>Can someon please help me do this validation for start and end date parameters</p>
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<p>I have a report that has a start and end date parameter. I want to do the following validations</p>
<p> </p>
<p>1) If start date is null and end date is some selected date ( or otherwise), show error message that either both should be nulls or both should be a selected date..(in case of start date and end date null, all dates will be selected, otherwise show data between start and end date)</p>
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<p>2) If end date is less than start date, show an error message</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Can someon please help me do this validation for start and end date parameters</p>
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Is there a change here since 2014? I need to validate the parameters , and the concept of "out of the box" report parameter fails if I cant do a simple custom validation. Is there a place I can write my cusom javascript for the parameter screen ?0 -
Hi Mihai,If you select the parameter in the Data Explorer pane and then select the Script tab at the bottom of the Layout pane, you will see several events. One of them is called "Validate". You can write JavaScript code that evaluates to Boolean true or false in the Validate event as shown in the attached example. If you run the sample report and enter a parameter value greater than 112, the parameter will be rejected. Your Validate script can contain any JavaScript code to do the validation.It is not possible to control the error message. Add clear instructions in the parameter editor help so that users know why values are invalid. As was mentioned in the old posts, you can create your own parameter page (typically an HTML form) if the built in functionality does not meet your requirements.Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipb0
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