Birt Runtime with Pojo-Dataset DS-Parameter

dominikjk Member
edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>Hi Everyone,</p>
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<p>I try to create Birt-Reports with Hibernate-classes. I use Pojo-Datasource and Pojo-Dataset and it works fine so far.<br>
My Question is, I want to access in my Dataset-Class the dataset-parameters.<br>
I don't use the Birt-Viewer, but have my own little app to visualize the report results.<br>
My problem is, that I have my dataset and defined parameters on this dataset in birt-Designer, but I can't access them running the report.<br>
I have my Dataset-Class with the open-method:<br>
open(Object appContext, Map<String, Object> dataSetParamValues) {<br>
<p>I found in the internet/forum, that the parameter dataSetParamValues should contain the Dataset-parameters, but this map is always empty (dataSetParamValues:{}).</p>
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<p>I am using birt Neon to design my reports and tried execution with runtime version 4.5.0 and 4.6.0- same result for both. I'm using Java8.</p>
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<p>Does anyone have a suggestion, what is my error, why these values are empty?</p>
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<p>Attached you see my parameter definition on the dataset. I tried different parameter configurations - different datatyps, linked to report parameters, but none appeared during dataset-processing.</p>
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<p>Thanks for your help!</p>
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<p>Resolved --- Sorry, it was my fault, I had a confusion in my system, now all works fine! Thanks!</p>