Placing JDBC drivers for BIRT and e.Spreadsheet Reports

edited July 28, 2021 in Analytics #1
<p style=""margin-right: 0px"" dir=""ltr"">In order to utilize JDBC drivers to access data for your BIRT reports with the Web Viewer or through the Deployment Kit or iServer Express, the Jar files need to be placed in the proper directory.  The following describes the location to place JDBC jar files according to the product being used.<br /><br /><strong>BIRT Web Viewer:  </strong><br />WEB-INF\platform\plugins\\drivers<br />(within the context of the application)<br /><br /><strong>Deployment Kit for BIRT reports:  </strong><br />WEB-INF\platform\plugins\\drivers<br />(e.g. C:\Program Files\Actuate9\iPortal\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF\platform\plugins\\drivers)<br /><br /><strong>Deployment Kit for e.Spreadsheet  reports:</strong><br />iportal/JavaReportAPI/engines/ess/lib<br />(e.g. C:\Program Files\Actuate9\iPortal\webapps\iportal\iportal\JavaReportAPI\engines\ess\lib)<br /><br /><strong>iServer Express - e.Spreadsheet:</strong><br />ACTUATE_HOME\iServer\JavaReportAPI\engines\ess\lib<br />(e.g. C:\Program Files\Actuate9\iServer\JavaReportAPI\engines\ess\lib)</p>
<p style=""margin-right: 0px"" dir=""ltr""><strong>iServer Express - BIRT:  </strong>ACTUATE_HOME\Jar\BIRT\platform\plugins\\drivers<br />(e.g. C:\Program Files\Actuate9\Jar\BIRT\platform\plugins\\drivers)<br /><br />You will also need to either redeploy your application, or restart the app server.</p>