Tabbed Style Report for Interactive Viewer

Hawaiian Geff
edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
This report is an example of a tabbed style display of content. It is designed to work in the commercial Interactive Viewer utilizing HTML Buttons, Scripting and Visibility control.<br />
The tabs provide the user with just the selected content on 1 page. The tabs consist of a grid with HTML Buttons and Labels that are controlled with scripting.<br />
When the report is exported, the Visibility options hide the grid and make the labels between each table visible providing a type of header for the table. The labels also control the page breaks between the tables.<br />
Things to note:<br />
1. Each object controlled by scripting has a bookmark defined.<br />
2. The objects are referenced with getId() + '_bookmark'<br />
3. The tables have a Page Break Interval of 0.<br />
4. There is scripting in the report's onContentUpdate.<br />
5. All the tables are exported.<br />
6. Internet Explorer may need to be in compatibility mode.